Lighting always tended to be an after thought in garden design, however it is actually a very important aspect which needs to be considered earlier on in the plans. Lighting can make all the difference in design with the many different lighting effects which can be created e.g. shadow lighting, uplighting, accent lighting, task lighting.
Only certain features and areas in the garden will need to be illuminated, therefore it needs to be carefully planned. Illumination of borders and pathways is a must, however, an item such as a garden shed you are likely to want to disappear into the darkness. Careful positioning of lighting can make this happen.
One main thing to consider with lighting is glare / light pollution. It’s very important that lighting is positioned in such a way that it will illuminate the areas required, without affecting the rest of the garden. If you are dazzled by the glare of any light fitting, you will not be able to appreciate the other lighting effects created fully and it could also be a safety issue.
For more information on the different types of techniques, materials and finishes, and other considerations, head over to our Outdoor Lighting Guide.